Monthly Talks
The Collaborative in cooperation with the Skidompha Library in Damariscotta is presenting a series of monthly informational talks about energy conservation, efficient buildings, and living sustainably. Discussion and questions are encouraged.
This talk series has been suspended indefinitely, check back in the fall.
Previous Talks
Thursday, May 27th, 2010
Widening the nuclear "wedge" - The promise of "Lifter", The Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor
Thorium (as opposed to Uranium) fueled reactors are compact, operate at ambient temperature and don't have the same waste problems as U-238/ Plutonium-fired reactors.
Lloyd Brace.
Thursday, April 29th, 2010
Planning The Winter Sustenance Garden
When we think of Spring it often has images of flowers and salads. This talk
will take those imaginations a step further and lay out a plan for an abundant
garden of what grows best for Winter eating. In addition to the traditional
roots we will address Winter Greens, Root Cellaring, and storage needs for the
Winter Garden harvest.
Think about eating locally this Fall/Winter and next Spring, we will give each
other some great ideas for eating really locally from our own gardens. Several
recipes for Fall/Winter Stews and soups will be offered.
Samuel Kaymen.
Wednesday, March 24th, 2010
Kaplan Thompson Architects present some of their recent LEED Platinum Home projects
Kaplan Thompson Architects’ mission of Beautiful, Sustainable, Attainable will be presented through some of their recent projects, including 3 different LEED Platinum Homes. One of these, the BrightBuilt Barn located in Rockport, has officially been documented Net-Zero for 2009. As a firm, they are committed to designing only healthy, vibrant, low-energy buildings and have recently worked with two different construction firms to develop these super-insulated homes as products now available throughout New England for as low as $125K. Principal Phil Kaplan also be introducing the next BrightBuilt project, a deep-energy retrofit slated for construction 2011.
Phil Kaplan
Wednesday, February 24th, 2010
Building A Local Economy with Local Currency:
BerkShares - A Case Study
BerkShares are a local currency for the Berkshire region. Dubbed a "great economic experiment" by the New York Times, BerkShares are a tool for community empowerment, enabling merchants and consumers to plant the seeds for an alternative economic future for their communities. Launched in the fall of 2006, BerkShares had a robust initiation, with over one million BerkShares having been circulated in the first nine months and over two million to date.
Kate Poole of The E. F. Schumacher Society in Great Barrington, Mass is the BerkShares Coordinator.
Wednesday, January 27th, 2010
Living Sustainably
Guy Marsden will present some ideas ranging from simple no cost energy reduction tips to the big projects he has undertaken like installing solar panels and collectors on his home and workshop. In between are modest home improvement ideas with short term paybacks. He will talk informally using his web site as a reference.
This is a repeat of a previous talk.
Wednesday, November 18th, 2009
Solar Water Heating, It's Payback time!
Solar water heating in Maine May be more affordable than you think. Come find out Energy Savings, Tax credits, Financing available. No-Cost Feasibility studies available.
Wednesday, October 28th, 2009
Up-dating and retro-fitting older homes to withstand the ravages of a Maine winter
The talk will include descriptions of the basic weatherization practices of air sealing and adding insulation and the steps needed to go beyond the basics to maximum efficiency and sustainability. Included will be descriptions of ground source and air source heat pumps which have the potential to allow home owners to make the switch to green electricity for winter heating.
Mike White of Island Carpentry of Georgetown, a contractor and specialist in energy efficient building and retro-fitting older homes, will speak about making older homes as energy efficient as possible.
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009
(was originally scheduled for April)
Eating Ourselves to Death and a $10 Carrot
Energy and health aspects of the American diet Presented by Samuel Kaymen and Paul Kando of the Collaborative.